Drawing with sunlight
My work is Solar Pyrography. I use the sunlight to draw. My tools are the Sun and a Magnifying lens.
Focusing the sun with various powered magnifying lenses produces a burning ’stylus’ of varying size.
The lines are drawn - simply, cleanly, and slowly, with sunlight focused by a magnifying lens.
My work is done with only sunlight and bone.
The Sun is integral to all life.
Bone is the integral architecture of an animal.
These two primary materials are combined to create unique works of powerful beauty.
It is a totally green, and transportable art.
Many of these skulls were processed by me from animals passed to me by local hunters. In processing the animal skulls, one becomes intimate with these animals. I take them through the entire process, from life to death and back again.
The final markings on their skull, like a tattoo, are individual to each skull. The markings become an outfit for passage onto their next life as art objects.. The immaterial rays of sunlight giving new context, new meaning, new life, to what would otherwise be forgotten lives.
It’s a resurrection of sorts.

solar pyrography

solar pyrography on sanglier - SOLD

sun on bone

solar pyrography on roe deer

pussy cat skulls

solar pyrography -SOLD

solar pyrography on sanglier skull


solar pyrography on sanglier skull

solar pyrography